Saturday, October 02, 2004

SP2 - I Love You

Problem: Windows XP with Service Pack 1 installed had a very annoying problem. Most of our users store their data on network drives; we not only encourage this, but demand this to avoid the probability of them losing all their local data when their machine goes South. With SP1 installed, it was taking 30-40 seconds to access a network drive at least the first time they opened it any given day. The access time varied depending on the speed of the server hosting the network drive, but it was never instantanious. Microsoft never admitted that this was a bug (at least I never saw it if they did). The delay was somehow associated with a security fix that was part of SP1. Now, I agree that security fixes are very important, probably much more important than response time, but this fact didn't make the response time issue any less annoying. Sorry. Anyhow, if you have this problem.....

Solution: Apply SP2. Thanks Microsoft!!

Editorial Comment: This one might seem nit-picky if you never saw the problem. However, consider this. If I had a $1 for each hour that I and others (thinking globally, now) spent on trying to resolve this, AND another $1 for each of the accumulated hours all the XP users with network drives spent waiting to access their data, you wouldn't have to listen to me bitch anymore. Wouldn't that be nice??

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