Tuesday, September 28, 2004


I always try to learn from my mistakes. The key word here is try; it rarely works.

I've been in the IT world since long before it was called IT, even before there was networking, let alone PCs. You'd think by now that I would know everything. Hah! Just when I'm arrogant enough to think I do, the technology teaches me another tough lesson. But, that's the humbling life of a Techie. If a Techie is not sufficiently humble, I say s/he's not doing anything. If you haven't mistakenly taken down a network or a major operating system at some critical time, delaying the work of thousands of users, you have no right to call yourself a Techie. I have. I'm not proud of it, just very humble and very motivated to get it right the next time.

I'm semi-retired now, but still in the business. The stakes are not as high as they used to be for me; I don't manage major systems or networks any longer. But, I still want to do a good job.
Since the lessons are never ending I need to find a way make the best use of them. This blog site is an effort to organize some of my learning in such a way as to actually give me a fighting chance of finding solutions for problems that I've seen before. That's the goal. If this can help you, as well, that's all the better!

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